Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Fun Times with Friends!!

The Blasczyks came over for a full family visit last Monday, Dec. 1st. The kids struggled to have fun...can't you tell??

So the boys...Shiloh, as Batman, and Jude, as Spiderman...and Elijah as Mr. Cool who had to be a part of this photo!

Elissa enjoying not being the baby in the house...but the "BIG GIRL"!! Izzy doesn't look very happy! Probably didn't get the next bite served to him quick enough!

The Girls (Elissa, Abi, and Sophia) and again...Mr. Cool (Elijah) who needs to be in EVERY group shot! We just could not get over the pose...arm over the person's shoulder! HiLaRiOuS!!

We love our friends!! We cherish our time with them.
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